In "'The Most Expensive GIF of All Time' Is Being Sold for $5,800" written by Megan Garber it is explained to the reader how "Baloon Dog Deflated" was created and listed on eBay for $5,800. I found this article fascinating based on the fact that as it was written in 2014 it has a very contemporary feeling to it in relation to what has happened recently with the introduction of Non-fungible Tokens or NFT's for short. The artist, Micheal Green has a very forward-looking statement in the art's description where he basically predicts the introduction of NFT's. A quote of his that I found prophetic is when Green states, " Physical museums, like compact discs and books, are dead. It's in the cloud now...". In 2014 Blockchain technology was still a bizarre and new idea, yet Green had the foresight to see the use case of distributing art digitally. Since this article, there have been many NFT art projects that have been sold for millions of dollars. In this regard, I would refer to Micheal Green as somewhat of a pioneer in this space, as he was listing the art on eBay from a contrarian standpoint, what became later the mainstream medium. It will be interesting to see where digital art moves us culturally as time progresses and if the people making predictions today about where digital art's future lies will be correct. Will the metaverse be the mainstream gallery of art consumption or will there be a return to tactility and physical art?
