My soundscape which remains untitled turned out pretty well and I enjoyed hearing the class's responses to it. While making this project I did want to use the actual grinding sound to evoke a negative response in the middle of the piece seemingly out of nowhere. It was definitely interesting to see everyone's response to the sound in real-time as during the rest of the composition the sounds were fairly uniform and evocative of a specific theme and then out of nowhere comes this jarring grinding sound that doesn't necessarily fit in with the rest of the piece. This was done on purpose and was an entertaining thing to see people react to. This was a truly great sound to signify dealing with certain onset stress points that can seemingly come out of nowhere and make things feel that they are all grinding to a halt. I feel like that this was communicated quickly and suddenly and that the people reacting to it weren't necessarily ready for that to happen, at this point I felt a bit of the John Cage experience where I'm sure he had felt some backlash but somewhat enjoyed it because he was evoking a response which is what he intended to do. I feel like next time I would have balanced the sounds along with each other a bit better than I did because the grinding sound was hugely loud and felt like a bit too much in terms of the balancing of the other sounds, overall I enjoyed the project and felt I did well.
